Futureforms provides Art Masterplan consulting services for a range of public and private clients. We work collaboratively to develop Art Masterplans for the integration of art within developments, cities and public places. Our team of artists, architects. designers, curators and project managers are uniquely positioned to contribute a range of creative ideas and technical solutions to each project.
“We work collaboratively with our clients to develop Art Masterplans for the integration of art within developments, cities and public places.”
We work alongside designers, planners and local communities to create phased art strategies that might be implemented over several years. In addition to providing the overall vision for art planning and programming, we help establish and communicate overall goals, identify location opportunities and provide frameworks to help guide the artist selection process, permanent art commissioning, implementation and maintenance. We develop 2D and 3D site plans to assist in planning, visualization, fundraising and implementation.
We guide clients through percent-for-art requirements, invited RFQ and RFP processes, and direct commissioning. We work with them to envision and plan for the temporary activation of public spaces, including event or festival planning. This might include a range of creative practices including physical installations, lighting, digital AR/VR and projection installations.
Our Art Masterplan services include:
1. Development of Art Masterplan mission, vision, and goals, with a commitment to strategies that embrace cultural equity and sustainability while amplifying areas of interest to a site or client.
2. Identification of sites for future temporary and permanent public artworks, with an emphasis on phased approaches.
3. Review, synthesize and incorporate previous and future studies including adjacent or overlapping Masterplans or initiatives.
4. Assist in developing RFQs, RFPs and pre-approved Artist pools.
5. Outreach to and engagement of the community, including a diverse range of stakeholders. Work with local Arts Commissions to understand and implement Art Masterplan recommendations.
6. Assist in the development of art programming, including temporary and permanent physical art grants, cultural art grants, and other programs.
7. Recommend public art policy guidelines for administration of on-site public art and public art grants, including maintenance, conservation and deaccession policies.
Some Recent Arts Masterplan / Entitlement efforts include:
- Honda Center Arena - 100-acres in Anaheim, California - Link to OCVIBE; Link to News
- Ball Arena - 55-acres in Denver, Colorado - Link to Ball Arena Vision Plan; Link to News