Streamlines is a wall sculpture that reveals the invisible natural forces acting on an urban site. It harnesses these forces to activate and soften the hard edges of the urban landscape. The artwork ‘etches’ the rectangular building facade with a fluid pattern of cascading perforations and metallic fins. Reminiscent of wind-driven patterns on the surface of a body of water, Streamlines translates the latent energies of the site into dynamic streams of metal and light.

Rivulets pull apart or gather and swarm to invite one to walk along with the artwork. Streamlines creates a playful series of potential vantage points for the public to enjoy and view from different angles. Depending on the time of the day or season, the sculpture’s swarming patterns might seem to respond and weave through the building’s column grid, through the trees, or around people as they walk around the neighborhood.

The material palette subtly reflects the sky and the surrounding colors to present an artwork that at times appears blue when reflecting the sky, matte when capturing the clouds, and gold or pink when catching the sunset rays. Throughout the day, the shadows cast across the length of the artwork cast a variable set of patterns - creating an urban sundial of sorts. Always different, never the same.

Date: 2022 (Proposal)
Dimensions: 120’ x 12’ x 6”
Materials: Stainless steel

Lead Artists: Jason Kelly Johnson & Nataly Gattegno (Futureforms)
Artist Team: Jason Kelly Johnson, Nataly Gattegno with Brian McKinney, Clayton Williams, Carlos Sabogal, Natalie Abbott, Chris Leo, Sam Higgwe, Eve Tobey.
